Added 2 months ago by Anon

Mod has not verified that this location is safe and legal to fly at! Please update if you have additional information. You cannot fly in national parks; however, elsewhere drone flight is permitted in Argentina under the following rules:
Foreign visitor drone flights are allowed in Argentina
Foreign visitor drone pilot license is not required
Drone registration is required in Argentina for visitors/tourists
Drone Remote ID is not required in Argentina for tourists
Drone Insurance is not required but recommended for tourist drone operations in Argentina
Requirements for registration :
Proof of payment of the tariff (VEP / BP) generated in E-PAGOS .
Pay the tariff by selecting the small, medium or large category according to the weight of the vant to register.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Property Declaration made through the Digital Aeronautical Casillero (CAD), with a certified signature of the owner / s or signatory / declarant. If you are not registered with CAD register here requesting VANT profile .
Register here: https://cad.anac.gob.ar/SIAC/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fSIAC%2fDefault.aspx
Ruta Nacional 40 (RN40) is one of Argentina's most famous highways and stretches the entire length of the country, from the northern border with Bolivia to the southern tip in Patagonia. In the province of Neuquén, RN40 offers some of the most stunning landscapes, traversing the Andean Patagonia and providing access to pristine lakes, mountains, and forests. Key sights include the picturesque towns of San Martín de los Andes, the Lanín National Park with its iconic Lanín Volcano, and the scenic lakes such as Lake Huechulafquen.
Is it worth flying a drone there?
Yes, flying a drone along RN40 in Neuquén can be incredibly rewarding. The breathtaking landscapes, diverse natural beauty, and unique vantage points for capturing the Andes, volcanic peaks, and serene lakes can offer spectacular footage and photos.
Am I legally allowed to fly a drone there?
Flying a drone in Argentina is regulated by the Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil (ANAC). As of my last update, drone operators must adhere to specific rules:
1. Register Your Drone: Drones weighing more than 500 grams (approx. 1.1 pounds) must be registered with ANAC.
2. Remote Pilot Certification: Operators may need to be certified depending on the drone's weight and purpose of use.
3. Operational Rules: You must maintain a visual line of sight, not fly higher than 120 meters (400 feet), and avoid flying over populated areas, large gatherings, and no-fly zones.
Do I need LANCE authorization?
LANCE (Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability) is currently applicable primarily in the United States. In Argentina, for flying in certain controlled or restricted airspaces, you may need permission from the relevant local authorities, such as the Dirección General de Aeronáutica Neuquén, particularly if you are near airports or sensitive areas like national parks.
Anything else I need to know?
- National Parks: In areas like Lanín National Park, additional restrictions may apply. You typically need permission from the park authorities to fly a drone and should be mindful of disturbing wildlife.
- Privacy Laws: Respect people’s privacy. Do not fly over private properties without permission.
- Weather Conditions: The weather can be unpredictable in the Andes. Ensure that you check the local weather conditions to avoid strong winds or sudden changes.
Before your trip, it’s recommended to check the latest drone regulations from ANAC and any local authorities in Neuquén to ensure compliance. Always follow safety guidelines and ethical practices to respect both nature and local communities.
RN40, Neuquén, Argentina
49 hectares
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